Welcome to the art (and animation) page!
When animating i use Adobe Flash CS6
When drawing digitally i use FireAlpaca,Ms paint,Ibispaint x or flash sometimes :3
And when drawing traditionally i use my skillz that killz
Kasane Teto drawing i did in july of 2023!
An animation of 10(from my object show) running or smt, it's more of an animation test lol, i did this in november of 2023!
A drawing i did of a friends object show!You should watch bfala now! It's currently in it's fourth season as of writing this!Anyways, i did this drawing in July of 2023!
Drawings of ribbons!
A looping animation i did of my sona thingy in the rain or smt idk :P
i made this animation in september of 2023!
A looping gif of a cube spinning or smt lol :P
i made this animation in september of 2023!
A looping gif of some contestants from my joke show, bffi, i still didn't make any episodes for it tho XD
i made this animation in november of 2023!
A looping gif of some object ocs blinking! this is more of a test, i might make an object show with them, but i already have like 6 object shows i didn't do :'D
i made this animation in november of 2023!
A looping gif of my freinds object oc bird migrating to warmer places for the winter <3333
i made this animation in december of 2023! how holly!
A looping gif snowglobe from one of my object shows! yay!!
i made this animation in december of 2023!
a drawing (finally!) of my friends object show characters but humanised! i enjoyed making it and i think he also enjoyed it! Hi potator!!!
i made this drawing in december of 2023!