a Case report made by in collaboration with

hyperskinwalkidelia is a brain eating virus we found here at "the JOY" with the help of "pen pineapple apple pen CO"

hyperskinwalkidelia is a virus that we found at "the JOY" facility #5. It is a brain eating virus that kills the victim after fully consuming them, the only way we currently know that this virus can spread is by a non infected individual interracting with the dead body of an infected. We are still doing research about this virus
the first sighting of this virus was in an expired chocolate bar left on the desk of one of our employees. The chocolate bar might have been tampered with in order to spread the virus.
Employee "Humany" consumed the chocolate bar and he has been infected for 2 months now. We are taking good care of him while researching for a cure to this virus
We are currently making sure there will not be any more victims

[left] Photo taken of Humany 6 months before getting hyperskinwalkidelia;[right] Humany 2 Months after getting hyperskinwalkidelia
We are currently taking good care of Humany and we have been feeding him regularly 2 times per week after getting Hyperskinwalkidelia
Humany's symptoms have consisted in excessive drooling, Agression towards Staff and Personel,fainting every 5-9 hours,speech impediments
Noticeable changes in his appearence consist of rough,dry,flaky skin; sharper teeth;cheeks carved out in a smile;sunken eyes; Low body weight;malnourishment
We are currently unsure if these Symptoms would show up in all hyperskinwalkidelia victims. we need more test subjects

Photo of the said chocolate bar

Someone outside our company tempered with the chocolate bar,
the chocolate bar didn't have any recognisable finger prints that could be matched with anyone elses,
we are currently filing an investigation.
We are taking good care of him, his family shouldn't worry about him, he is in good hands.

We here at "the JOY" care a lot about our felow workers so we have decided to collaborate with "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen CO" in order to contain this virus from the public and stop any future inconveniences from happening.
With the help of "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen CO"s wonderful new technology, we have been able to reasearch a lot more extensively, this article could not have been possible without their help.

© "the JOY inc." in collaboration with "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen CO."